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Katie Rose Waechter Katie Rose Waechter

Watching Mental Health Episode 4 | Alyssa Waters

As a dedicated self-healing integration coach, Alyssa Waters empowers individuals to embark on transformative journeys toward holistic well-being. With a background in psychology and a deep understanding of various healing modalities, Alyssa guides clients through emotional, mental, physical and spiritual integration. Her mission is to help individuals harmonize their inner selves, fostering self-acceptance, resilience, and a profound sense of inner peace. Her personalized sessions offer a compassionate, non-judgmental approach.

On this episode of Watching Mental Health, we will talk about how mental health is connected to our emotional, mental, physical and spiritual beings, and how approaching mental health holistically matters.

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Katie Rose Waechter Katie Rose Waechter

Watching Mental Health Episode 2 | Liza Seitz

Liza Seitz, the founder of Banduri Holistics, is a functional nutrition counselor and a board-certified Holistic health practitioner. She is continually researching to expand her knowledge of how to use nutrition and other natural resources for holistic healing. Liza is not just a health practitioner; she is a wellness partner determined to be with you in the trenches because she knows what it feels like to have a challenging health journey. On this episode of Watching Mental Health, we discuss how nutrition and holistic healing impacts mental health.

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